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list price: $75.00
category: Nature
published: Oct 2006
publisher: UBC Press

Birds of the World

by Beletsky, Les

tagged: birdwatching guides

This stunning collection of art and text captures the grace, beauty, and flamboyance of the world’s birds. In more than 400 pages, ornithologist Les Beletsky has gathered over 1,600 original paintings that reveal the form, posture, and plumage of all the avian families, with featured illustrations of 1,307 species. The paintings are from eleven of the world’s leading bird artists, with many being published here for the first time.

About the Author

Beletsky, Les

Contributor Notes

Les Beletsky is series editor of the Travelers’ Wildlife Guides and Visiting Scholar at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, University of Washington. Illustrators include David Nurney, John Sill, Frank Knight, Brian Small, H. Douglas Pratt, John Gale, David Beadle, Diane Pierce, Dan Lane, John O’Neill, and Norman Arlott. The layout and design was produced by famed designers Scott & Nix.

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