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list price: $125.00
also available: Hardcover
category: Political Science
published: Oct 2007
publisher: UBC Press

Asia-Pacific Diplomacy

Nongovernmental Organizations and International Relations

by Lawrence T. Woods

tagged: diplomacy

The emergence of Asia-Pacific regionalism, as witnessed by the increasing influence of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum and the annual ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference, highlights one of the major trends in late twentieth-century geopolitics and international relations.

Asia-Pacific Diplomacy traces the evolution of the Pacific economic cooperation movement by examining the diplomatic contributions of three international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) -- the scholarly Pacific Trade and Development Conference (PAFTAD), the business-oriented Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC), and the multipartite (academic, business, and government) Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC). Lawrence Woods also provides a historical perspective by assessing the work of the Institute of Pacific Relations, forerunner of the INGOs.

This book makes an important contribution to the study of international political and economic institutions. It argues that as the regional cooperation movement expands at the governmental level. an understanding of the nongovernmental roots of that movement is required if the diplomatic contributions of the INGOs are to be retained.

About the Author

Lawrence T. Woods

Contributor Notes

Lawrence T. Woods is an associate professor of international studies and Asia-Pacific politics at the University of Northern British Columbia.

Editorial Reviews

This book will prove invaluable for those seeking a fuller understanding of the significant actors promoting regional cooperation in the Pacific Rim. Undoubtedly, the Pacific Northwest will continue to play a key role in what is fast becoming a dominant region of the world.

— Pacific Northwest Quarterly

Well researched and well documented, this book is a must for those engaged in Pacific-Asia business, whether governmental or nongovernmental.

— Canadian Book Review Annual

Lawrence Woods has written a valuable book, one that contributes significantly to our understanding of nongovernmental participation in international efforts to achieve regional economic cooperation across the Pacific.

— Canadian Journal of Political Science

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