BC Books Online was created for anyone interested in BC-published books, and with librarians especially in mind. We'd like to make it easy for library staff to learn about books from BC publishers - both new releases and backlist titles - so you can inform your patrons and keep your collections up to date.
Our site features print books and ebooks - both new releases and backlist titles - all of which are available to order through regular trade channels. Browse our subject categories to find books of interest or create and export lists by category to cross-reference with your library's current collection.
A quick tip: When reviewing the "Browse by Category" listings, please note that these are based on standardized BISAC Subject Codes supplied by the books' publishers. You will find additional selections, grouped by theme or region, in our "BC Reading Lists."
"A positive and realistic representation of both a wheelchair user and an elderly, interracial gay male couple." —Kirkus Reviews
"A beautiful and uplifting book." —School Library Journal
Lou spends every Saturday with Grandad and Pops. They walk to the library hand in hand, like a chain of paper dolls. Grandad reads books about science and design, Pops listens to rock and roll, and Lou bounces from lap to lap. But everything changes one Saturday. Pops has a fall. That night there is terrible news: Pops will need to use a wheelchair, not just for now, but for always. Unable to cope with his new circumstances, he becomes withdrawn and shuts himself in his room. Hearing Grandad trying to cheer up Pops inspires Lou to make a plan. Using skills learned from Grandad, and with a little help from their neighbors, Lou comes up with a plan for Pops.
Available in French as Une idée pour Papi.
"Add this one to your go-to list."
“One of those books that bursts out of its ages 3 - 5 range because of its tender, funny pictures and heartwarming storyline that speak to the best in humanity, at any age.”
“A warm intergenerational story accompanied by expressive illustrations full of engaging detail.”
"A beautiful and uplifting book to help children learn how to handle challenges and help others; a great choice for intergenerational picture book shelves."
"[Children] will be instantly drawn in by the warmth and love that binds these three characters together."
"Uplifting and empowering, A Plan for Pops is a great read with inspiring messaging and lovely illustrations."
"A positive and realistic representation of both a wheelchair user and an elderly, interracial gay male couple. "
“Whatever message a young child gets out of this book, it will be a powerful one… This book is an excellent choice for the pre-school land the early elementary-aged child.”
“Smith’s characters are real and honest…Kerrigan’s digital artwork…is both engaging and touching.”
"A fond and sympathetic story, told with attractive particulars, of the challenging pitfalls of aging and their effects on the family…[A] welcome reminder that even after a daunting change, family can still be family."
"The bond between Lou and [their] loving grandparents shines through in this unique story. The matter-of-factness of their relationship is worth noting, as this type of representation for same-sex couples will help children appreciate the diversity that exists in many families, without overstating it."
"Accompanied by Kerrigan's muted, pastel-coloured illustrations… Smith's narrative creates a fully rounded and sympathetic storyline with characters with whom youngsters will likely be able to identify…A delicious, enjoyable, and necessary narrative for modern families with a non-normative makeup. Highly Recommended."
"A marvelous book on many, many levels and deserves a wide readership. Pick it up for your children, grandchildren, grandparents, or others in your lives, and recommend it to all the children’s librarians you know."