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A fresh look at contemporary architecture in Montreal, featuring 75 noteworthy buildings and public spaces.
A resource for both locals and tourists alike, A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Montreal presents seventy-five important projects that reflect architecture's resurgence in the city over the last twenty-five years. A two-page spread is dedicated to each project, with concise descriptive text alongside photos, drawings and floor plans. Projects are presented by quartier or neighbourhood so that the visitor can take a selfguided walking tour. The front and back flaps are folding maps to guide the visitor through the highlighted quartiers.
At a time when cultural tourism is burgeoning, this guidebook gives the reader a unique understanding of Montreal. Put it in your pocket, take the metro and go see the city.
"The writing is like good contemporary architecture: precise, elegant and spiked with poetry...If you think you know this city like the back of your hand, take another look -- and slip this little book in your pocket when you go."
"Through the eyes of a good guide a cityscape can come alive. Elements of our urban environment that we might not notice in our daily routine suddenly have context, history, personality. Such is the effect of Nancy Dunton and Helen Malkin's A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture. The perfect size and format to take along on a city safari, this book's crisp colour photography and authoritative commentary make Montreal a living textbook of modern architecture."
"Lovingly curated by Nancy Dunton and Helen Malkin, A Guidebook to Contemporary Architecture in Montreal is a pocket-sized encyclopedia to the wondrous transformations of Montreal over the past 25 years. This tiny guidebook encapsulates not only location and descriptive information on critical projects, it also includes comprehensive maps, beautiful photographs, and contextualized descriptions of each project...With a few Metro tickets and this guidebook in your back pocket, you won't miss the wonderful buildings that continue the tradition of modern architecture in Montreal."
"Taking the buildings beyond their status as independent examples of good design, the guidebook is subdivided into regions and categories...facilitating a greater understanding and comprehension of the city and its constituent parts. The approach incorporates layers of meaning into the exercise, resulting in an experience much greater than the sum of its parts...An added bonus is that all listed projects are readily accessible from the city's excellent public transit system."