Social Issues

I sat on a branch near the trunk and let my feet swing freely below me. It felt good to be surrounded by big green leaves. I heard a bee buzz by my ear, lured by the sweet smell of tree sap. It was one of those cloudy Vancouver days where the gray sky seemed close enough to reach up and touch. The clouds were like a blanket that warmed the air without any help from the sun. I felt like I could hide away on this branch forever.

Googol and Googolplex's spaceship makes a soft buzzing noise and it is invisible to humans. Pippa thinks a bee is flying around them. She waves her hands to shoo it away.
Troy stands up in the pool. The buzzing stops. He smiles.
"It's not a bee, silly. Look!" he says.
Pippa turns her head just in time to see Googol and Googolplex roll down the ramp out of their spaceship.
"Googol! Googolplex!"
Troy and Pippa jump out of the pool and run toward their friends.