Children's Fiction

"We're almost dinosaurs," said Sam.
"Almost twin dinosaurs." said Nate.
Then Nate and Sam decided to wear only green to school.
"Now we're really dinosaurs," said Nate.
"Pretty close," said Sam.
Then Sam and Nate decided to eat only green food like sushi, green Kool-Aid and kiwis.
"We're pretty Jurassic," said Sam.
"We're prehistoric," said Nate.

Bolt burst into a trot. Sam's heart jumped down his throat. Up and down, up and down, he bounced in the saddle. His feet flew out of the stirrups. The fence and then barn and Grandpa flashed by. "Whoa!" yelled Sam. "Whoa!" Grandpa stepped in front of Bolt. He grabbed the reins and pulled Bolt to a stop. Sam took a huge breath. "I'm getting off!" he said. He slid off the horse. It was a long way to the ground. His legs wobbled. He thought Grandpa would be disgusted with him. But Grandpa looked pleased. "Not bad for your first time," he said.