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Showing 15097-15104 of 15178 books
and the First Chinese Canadians
by Frances Hern
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by Amy Hovey, read by Heather Gould
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Talks by Dr. Jayadeva and Smt. Hansaji
by Dr. Jayadeva Togendra & Smt. Hansaji
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The blond boy led Yossi across the ice, holding Yossi's elbow as his booted feet slipped and slid. He thrust Yossi in front of the snowbank and switched Yossi's woven cap with the red stocking cap of the burly boy. He shoved the boy's stick into Yossi's hands. Shouting something at the others, he batted the lump of coal down the ice.
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The blond boy led Yossi across the ice, holding Yossi's elbow as his booted feet slipped and slid. He thrust Yossi in front of the snowbank and switched Yossi's woven cap with the red stocking cap of the burly boy. He shoved the boy's stick into Yossi's hands. Shouting something at the others, he batted the lump of coal down the ice.
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