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Showing 15089-15096 of 15178 books
edited by Sherry Hutt & David Tarler
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Where I come from, kids are divided into two groups. White kids on one side, Indigenous on the other. Sides of the room, sides of the field, the smoking pit, the hallway, the washrooms; you name it. We're on one side and they're on the other. They live on one side of the Forks River bridge, and we live on the other side. They hang out in their part of town, and we hang out in ours.
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Where I come from, kids are divided into two groups. White kids on one side, Indigenous on the other. Sides of the room, sides of the field, the smoking pit, the hallway, the washrooms; you name it. We're on one side and they're on the other. They live on one side of the Forks River bridge, and we live on the other side. They hang out in their part of town, and we hang out in ours.
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by Sylvia Olsen, illustrated by Joan Larsen
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by Sylvia Olsen, illustrated by Joan Larsen
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by Sylvia Olsen, illustrated by Joan Larsen
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A History of New Westminister's Chinese Community 1858-1980
by Patricia Owen & Jim Wolf
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and the First Chinese Canadians
by Frances Hern
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