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Showing 14785-14792 of 15176 books
New Iceland and the Colonization of the Canadian West
by Ryan Eyford
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John R. Jewitt's Narrative of Capture and Confinement at Nootka
by John Jewitt
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John R. Jewitt's Narrative of Capture and Confinement at Nootka
by John Jewitt
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There were a lot of things they should have done, Robin realized, as the cold formed an icy ball inside her chest. The emergency survival pack—why had she forgotten to grab that? She though miserably of all the things inside it—matches, a space blanket, a tiny stove... This was stupid. They should go back. People died of hypothermia in this kind of weather.
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There were a lot of things they should have done, Robin realized, as the cold formed an icy ball inside her chest. The emergency survival pack—why had she forgotten to grab that? She though miserably of all the things inside it—matches, a space blanket, a tiny stove... This was stupid. They should go back. People died of hypothermia in this kind of weather.
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