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Showing 15169-15176 of 15235 books
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You Hold Me Up

You Hold Me Up

by Monique Gray Smith, illustrated by Danielle Daniel
also available: Hardcover
tagged : emotions & feelings, friendship, non-classifiable
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You hold me up when you comfort me
When you listen to me
When you respect me.
You hold me up
I hold you up
We hold each other up.

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You Hold Me Up / ê-ohpiniyan

You Hold Me Up / ê-ohpiniyan

by Monique Gray Smith, illustrated by Danielle Daniel, translated by Mary Cardinal Collins, edited by Cree Literacy Network
also available: eBook Audiobook
tagged : emotions & feelings, friendship, non-classifiable
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You Hold Me Up / Gimanaadenim

You Hold Me Up / Gimanaadenim

by Monique Gray Smith, illustrated by Danielle Daniel, translated by Angela Mesic & Margaret Noodin
tagged : emotions & feelings, friendship, non-classifiable
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You Hold Me Up Read-Along

You Hold Me Up Read-Along

by Monique Gray Smith, illustrated by Danielle Daniel, read by Heather Gould
tagged : emotions & feelings, friendship, non-classifiable
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You hold me up when you comfort me
When you listen to me
When you respect me.
You hold me up
I hold you up
We hold each other up.

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