BC Books Online was created for anyone interested in BC-published books, and with librarians especially in mind. We'd like to make it easy for library staff to learn about books from BC publishers - both new releases and backlist titles - so you can inform your patrons and keep your collections up to date.
Our site features print books and ebooks - both new releases and backlist titles - all of which are available to order through regular trade channels. Browse our subject categories to find books of interest or create and export lists by category to cross-reference with your library's current collection.
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This waterproof pocket-sized guide features full-colour photographs of mushrooms from Pacific Northwest trails and roadsides, forests and lawns. Readers can identify over forty common and easily-recognized edible mushrooms—and stay away from their not-so-edible look-alikes. Discover boletes, chanterelles, matsutake, shaggy mane, cauliflower, candy cap and many other tasty wild mushrooms. Easy to use and light to carry, this compact text is a must-have for all mushroom lovers who delight in searching for the next macrofungi bonanza.