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The Causes of Tropical Deforestation

The Causes of Tropical Deforestation

The Economic and Statistical Analysis of Factors Giving Rise to the Loss of the Tropical Forests
edited by Katrina Brown & David Pearce
0 ratings
tagged : forestry, environmental conservation & protection, ecology

The rapid destruction of tropical forests is one of the most pressing environmental problems of our time, but the international community and national governments are unable to formulate effective policy responses without a clear understanding of the causes of deforestation. This comprehensive and coherent account presents the 'state of the art' ec …

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Environmental Health Risks and Public Policy

Environmental Health Risks and Public Policy

Decision Making in Free Societies
by David V. Bates
0 ratings
tagged : health risk assessment, health policy, environmental conservation & protection, public health

As society's awareness of environmental effects on public health has grown, scientists (especially epidemiologists) have been increasingly drawn into the public arena. The design of studies, the manipulation of statistics, and additional risk factors influence the acceptance of "hazards" as clearly causing certain diseases. In addition, the often m …

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The Green Economy

The Green Economy

Environment, Sustainable Development and the Politics of the Future
by Michael Jacobs
0 ratings
tagged : environmental economics, green business, environmental conservation & protection

The current controversy over the future of the forest in Clayoquot Sound is seen by many as typifying the unsolvable conflict between jobs and the environment. In The Green Economy, Michael Jacobs rejects both the traditional Green demand for 'zero growth' and the new economic orthodoxy which seeks to give the environment a monetary value. In their …

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Run of the River, The

by Mark Hume
0 ratings
tagged : rivers, environmental conservation & protection

In his portrait of eleven British Columbia rivers, veteran Vancouver Sun reporter Mark Hume focuses on the environmental impact of our communities and ways of life. In BC's multifaceted ecological problems, Hume covers the problem to solution spectrum in detail, suggesting logical solutions to prevent further damage.

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A Complex Culture of the British Columbia Plateau

Traditional Stl'atl'imx Resource Use
edited by Brian Hayden
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection

Early hunter/gatherer societies have traditionally been considered basically egalitarian in nature. This assumption, however, has been challenged by contemporary archaeological and anthropological research, which has demonstrated that many of these societies had complex social, economic, and political structures. This volume considers two British C …

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Chiefs of the Sea and Sky

Chiefs of the Sea and Sky

Haida Heritage Sites of the Queen Charlotte Islands
by George F. MacDonald
also available: eBook
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tagged : native american studies

This book is drawn from Haida Monumental Art, the most important work yet published on Haida culture. Chiefs of the Sea and Sky presents an overview of extensive research carried out by archeologist George MacDonald in the 1960s and 1970s to document the history of the Haida villages of the Queen Charlotte Islands.


In this abridgement, MacDonald re …

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The Box Closet

The Box Closet

by Mary Meigs
0 ratings
tagged : literary, genealogy & heraldry), letters

The box closet was a real closet in the attic of the family house in Washington, D.C. in which Mary Meigs grew up. Bags and boxes of letters and diaries were found there after her mother’s death in 1958, and when Meigs read them she decided that they were the material for a book. In the course of reading her family’s letters and her mother’s …

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Green Gold

Green Gold

The Forest Industry in British Columbia
by Patricia Marchak
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : forestry, environmental conservation & protection, trees, natural resources

A comprehensive analysis of the social, political, and economic role of forests as one of the principal single-staple industries in British Columbia, this book explores the history of forestry in the province, legislation and governmental control, labour unions, community and industry structure, employment conditions for men and women, job security …

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Chameleon and Other Stories

Chameleon and Other Stories

by Bill Schermbrucker
0 ratings
tagged : short stories (single author), kenya, literary

“The leopard may not be able to change its spots, but the chameleon sure can.” In Chameleon & Other Stories, Bill Schermbrucker takes as his central metaphor a creature who changes its colour to reflect and blend in with the environment, just as human beings are sometimes asked to change their colour to reflect and blend in, to protect themselv …

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The Supreme Trophy Trout
by Barry Thornton
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : fishing, fish

Steelhead is a tribute to this magnificent fish and to steelheaders throughout the Pacific Northwest who have worked to protect steelhead and the rivers they inhabit. Full of helpful hints and secrets for success. Steelhead, the Prince of Salmon, is the trophy trout which river anglers in the Pacific Northwest acknowledge from experience is the gre …

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