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Adaptive Co-Management

Adaptive Co-Management

Collaboration, Learning, and Multi-Level Governance
edited by Derek Armitage; Fikret Berkes & Nancy Doubleday
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection

In Canada and around the world, new concerns with adaptive processes, feedback learning, and flexible partnerships are reshaping environmental governance. Meanwhile, ideas about collaboration and learning are converging around the idea of adaptive co-management. This book provides a comprehensive synthesis of the core concepts, strategies, and tool …

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No Place to Go

No Place to Go

Local Histories of the Battered Women’s Shelter Movement
by Nancy Janovicek
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : violence in society, native american studies, human rights, women's studies, gender studies

The first history of the battered women’s shelter movement in Canada, No Place to Go traces the development of transition houses and services for abused women and the campaign that made wife battering a political issue. Nancy Janovicek focuses on women’s groups in small cities and rural communities, examining anti-violence activism in Thunder B …

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Taking the Air

Taking the Air

Ideas and Change in Canada's National Parks
by Paul Kopas
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, park & recreation management, environmental policy

Natural resource management is a major area of Canadian policy, as recent literature reveals. Yet analysts have devoted little attention to the management of parks and protected areas. In Taking the Air, Paul Kopas takes a comprehensive approach to this aspect of policy debate. He scrutinizes the policy-making process for national parks since the m …

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Writing the West Coast

Writing the West Coast

In Love with Place
edited by Christine Lowther & Anita Sinner
2 ratings
age: 15
Grade: 10
tagged : essays

This collection of over thirty essays by both well-known and emerging writers explores what it means to "be at home" on Canada's West Coast. Here the rainforest and the wild, stormy cost dominate one's sense of identity, a humbling perspective shared in memoirs by individuals who come to see themselves as part of a larger ecological community.

Alexa …

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A Passion for this Earth

A Passion for this Earth

Writers, Scientists, and Activists Explore Our Relationship with Nature and the Environment
edited by Michelle Benjamin, foreword by Bill McKibben
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, essays

Twenty influential writers and scientists contribute personal, practical, and political essays celebrating our planet.

In this powerful collection of original essays, twenty of the world's most influential journalists, writers, scientists, and environmentalists lend their voices to inform and engage those who are committed to the survival of the Ear …

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Things Go Flying

Things Go Flying

by Shari Lapena
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : literary

Received an honourable mention on the Globe and Mail's top first fiction for 2008


Shari Lapena takes the wit of David Sedaris and the outrageousness of Douglas Coupland to create a dark, hilarious and wildly inventive contemporary comedy about how the past can come back to haunt you. Literally.


In Things Go Flying, Harold Walker is desperately av …

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Hunters at the Margin

Hunters at the Margin

Native People and Wildlife Conservation in the Northwest Territories
by John Sandlos
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, post-confederation (1867-), native american studies, northern territories (nt, nu, yt)

Hunters at the Margin examines the conflict in the Northwest Territories between Native hunters and conservationists over three big game species: the wood bison, the muskox, and the caribou. John Sandlos argues that the introduction of game regulations, national parks, and game sanctuaries was central to the assertion of state authority over the tr …

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Genetically Modified Diplomacy

Genetically Modified Diplomacy

The Global Politics of Agricultural Biotechnology and the Environment
by Peter Andrée
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, biotechnology, diplomacy, trade & tariffs

When genetically engineered seeds were first deployed in the Americas in the mid-1990s, the biotechnology industry and its partners envisaged a world in which their crops would be widely accepted as the food of the future. Critics, however, raised a variety of social, environmental, economic, and health concerns. This book traces the emergence of t …

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People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia

People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia

edited by Leslie T. Foster & Brian Wharf
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : social work, children's studies, child advocacy

People, Politics, and Child Welfare in British Columbia traces the evolution of policies and programs intended to protect children in BC from neglect and abuse. Analyzing this evolution reveals that child protection policy and practice has reflected the priorities of politicians and public servants in power. With few exceptions, efforts to establis …

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Protect Your Elderly Parents

Protect Your Elderly Parents

Become Your Parents' Guardian/Truste
by Lynne Butler
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : wills


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Raptor Research and Management Techniques

Raptor Research and Management Techniques

by David M. Bird
0 ratings
tagged : ornithology, environmental conservation & protection, research & methodology

In 2007, The Raptor Research Foundation published the 2nd edition of the Raptor Research and Management Techniques manual. This edition updates the 1987 edition of the Raptor Management Techniques Manual published by the National Wildlife Federation. Editors David Bird and Keith Bildstein assembled over 65 authors with extensive experience in their …

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Farming in a Changing Climate

Farming in a Changing Climate

Agricultural Adaptation in Canada
edited by Ellen Wall; Barry Smit & Johanna Wandel
also available: Paperback eBook
0 ratings
tagged : sustainable agriculture, engineering (general), environmental conservation & protection

In farming systems across Canada, effective risk management is necessary to deal with drought, flooding, and extreme weather, and to adapt to altered climate and weather conditions. Unfortunately, climate change risks and opportunities are not always well understood among researchers and policy makers in the Canadian agri-food sector. This book add …

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Awful Splendour

Awful Splendour

A Fire History of Canada
by Stephen J. Pyne
also available: Paperback eBook
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection

Fire is a defining element in Canadian land and life. With few exceptions, Canada’s forests and prairies have evolved with fire. Its peoples have exploited fire and sought to protect themselves from its excesses, and since Confederation, the country has devised various institutions to connect fire and society. The choices Canadians have made says …

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Taking Stands

Taking Stands

Gender and the Sustainability of Rural Communities
by Maureen G. Reed
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies, environmental conservation & protection, agribusiness

This book goes beyond the dichotomies of “pro” and “anti” environmentalism to tell the stories of the women who seek to maintain resource use in rural places. The author links the experiences of women who seek to protect forestry as an industry, a livelihood, a community, and a culture to policy making by considering the effects of environm …

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Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World

Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World

edited by Claire Smith & Graeme K. Ward
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : native american studies, globalization

Increasingly, Indigenous people are being drawn into global networks. In the long term, cultural isolation is unlikely to be a viable – even if sometimes desired – option, so how can Indigenous people protect and advance their cultural values in the face of pressure from an interconnected world?

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Deadly Loyalties

Deadly Loyalties

by Jennifer Storm
3 ratings
age: 12 to 18
Grade: 8 to 12
Reading age: 12 to 18
tagged : violence, aboriginal & indigenous, coming of age

Blaise is a fairly average Native girl growing up in Winnipeg and dealing with the normal triggers of teenage angst—parents, school, friends. Then her best friend is murdered by the Reds, a local gang, and she is the only witness. For protection, she turns to a rival gang called the West Bloods and her life changes forever. She must quickly learn …

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Hunting for Empire

Hunting for Empire

Narratives of Sport in Rupert's Land, 1840-70
by Greg Gillespie
also available: Paperback eBook
0 ratings
tagged : pre-confederation (to 1867), environmental conservation & protection, hunting

Hunting for Empire offers a fresh cultural history of sport and imperialism. Greg Gillespie integrates critical perspectives from cultural studies, literary criticism, and cultural geography to analyze the themes of authorship, sport, science, and nature. In doing so he produces a unique theoretical lens through which to study nineteenth-century Br …

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Water, Weather and the Mountain West

Water, Weather and the Mountain West

by Robert William Sandford
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
age: 15
Grade: 10
tagged : environmental conservation & protection

Growing populations, increasing industrial use and heavy agricultural demand are beginning to tax water supplies in many regions of Canada.

Since many rivers are already fully allocated to numerous uses, future economic and social development will depend upon how much we know about our surface and ground water resources and how effectively we manage …

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Slumach's Gold

Slumach's Gold

In Search of a Legend
by Rick Antonson; Brian Antonson & Mary Trainer
also available: eBook
0 ratings
age: 12
Grade: 7
tagged : post-confederation (1867-), criminals & outlaws

Slumach's Gold chronicles what is possibly Canada's greatest lost-mine story. It searches out the truth behind a Salish man's hanging for murder in 1891 and tracks the intriguing legend about him that grew after his death. It was a legend that turned into a drama of international fascination when Slumach—the hanged criminal—was mysteriously li …

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The 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty

The 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty

Sharing Conservation Burdens and Benefits
by Michael P. Shepard & A.W. Argue
also available: Hardcover Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : fisheries & aquaculture, environmental conservation & protection, treaties

For thousands of years, Pacific salmon have been the focus for the economic and social development of societies, both ancient and modern, around the rim of the North Pacific Ocean. After lengthy oceanic migrations, the salmon pass through coastal waters of Alaska, British Columbia, and the northwest United States in a final journey to spawn, where …

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Shaped by the West Wind

Shaped by the West Wind

Nature and History in Georgian Bay
by Claire Elizabeth Campbell
also available: Hardcover Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : historical geography, environmental conservation & protection, rocks & minerals, human geography, ecology, geology, cultural, regional studies

Along the east shore of Ontario’s Georgian Bay lie the Thirty Thousand Islands, a granite archipelago scarred by glaciers, where the white pines cling to the ancient rock, twisted and bent by the west wind -- a symbol of a region where human history has been shaped by the natural environment. Over the last four centuries, the Bay has been visited …

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From UI to EI

From UI to EI

Waging War on the Welfare State
by Georges Campeau, translated by Richard Howard
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : social policy, social security, post-confederation (1867-)

Established in 1940 in response to the Great Depression, the original goal of Canada’s system of unemployment insurance was to ensure the protection of income to the unemployed. Joblessness was viewed as a social problem and the jobless as its unfortunate victims. If governments could not create the right conditions for full employment, they were …

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Restoration of the Great Lakes

Restoration of the Great Lakes

Promises, Practices, and Performances
by Mark Sproule-Jones
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, water supply, lakes, ponds & swamps

The Great Lakes of North America are one of the world’s most important natural resources. The source of vast quantities of fish, shipping lanes, hydroelectric energy, and usable water, they are also increasingly the site of severe environmental degradation and resource contamination. This study analyzes how well governments and other stakeholders …

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The Cost of Climate Policy

The Cost of Climate Policy

by Mark Jaccard; John Nyboer & Bryn Sadownik
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : environmental policy, environmental economics, environmental conservation & protection

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a major environmental challenge facing the world. We all want to reduce the risks of global warming, but how much will this cost? What will it mean on a personal, business, or community level? And what policy responses should we expect from our governments? The Cost of Climate Policy sheds light on these pressin …

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Fatal Consumption

Fatal Consumption

Rethinking Sustainable Development
edited by Robert F. Woollard & Aleck S. Ostry
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : disease & health issues, environmental conservation & protection

Taking the slogan "think globally, act locally" to heart, the contributors to Fatal Consumption are theoretical as well as practical. They conceptualize the policy analysis they provide, while also proposing useful tools for those charged with making decisions. Though specific in focus, the analysis in Fatal Consumption can be generalized to most N …

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Biotechnology Unglued

Biotechnology Unglued

Science, Society, and Social Cohesion
by Michael Mehta
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection

Biotechnology Unglued explores this question in a well-considered investigation of the effects of technology on social cohesion. The essays present case studies of how various applications in agricultural, medical, and forensic biotechnology have affected the cohesiveness of agricultural communities, citizens, consumer groups, scientific communitie …

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Bioregionalism and Civil Society

Bioregionalism and Civil Society

Democratic Challenges to Corporate Globalism
by Mike Carr
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection

Bioregionalism and Civil Society addresses the urgent need for sustainability in industrialized societies. It explores the bioregional movement in the US, Canada, and Mexico, examining its vision, values, strategies, and tools for building sustainable societies. Practically, Mike Carr argues for bioregionalism as a place-specific, community movemen …

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The Integrity Gap

The Integrity Gap

Canada's Environmental Policy and Institutions
edited by Anthony Perl & Eugene Lee
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, environmental policy

This thoughtful collection exposes the gap between rhetoric and performance in Canada’s response to environmental challenges. Canadians, despite their national penchant for environmental discussion, have fallen behind their G-8 peers in both domestic commitments and international actions. In a cogent examination of the issue, eight authors demons …

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Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability

Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability

A Farming Systems Analysis
edited by Glen Filson
also available: Paperback Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : agribusiness, environmental economics, environmental conservation & protection

Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability outlines the advantages of Farming Systems Analysis for understanding the implications of modern, intensive agriculture. This book describes some of the major environmental and social problems connected with intensive farming; outlines a framework for analyzing its sustainability; discusses key linkages amon …

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The Sacred Balance

The Sacred Balance

Rediscovering Our Place in Nature
by David Suzuki, with Amanda McConnell & Adrienne Mason
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection

In this extensively revised and enlarged edition of his best-selling book, David Suzuki reflects on the increasingly radical changes in nature and science — from global warming to the science behind mother/baby interactions — and examines what they mean for humankind’s place in the world. The book begins by presenting the concept of people as c …

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Way Lies North, The

Way Lies North, The

by Jean Rae Baxter
2 ratings
age: 10 to 14
Grade: 6
tagged : pre-confederation (to 1867)

This young adult historical novel focuses on Charlotte and her family, Loyalists who are forced to flee their home in the Mohawk Valley as a result of the violence of the "Sons of Liberty" during the American Revolution. At the beginning, fifteen-year-old Charlotte Hooper is separated from her sweetheart, Nick, who sympathizes with the Revolutionar …

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Eco-Diary of Kiran Singer

Eco-Diary of Kiran Singer

by Sue Ann Alderson, illustrated by Millie Ballance
2 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : environment, poetry (see also stories in verse)

The Camosun Bog has existed for 2000 years, but, like wetlands everywhere, it has been encroached on by an expanding urban landscape. In The Eco-Diary of Kiran Singer, Sue Ann Alderson chronicles one child's encounter with the bog and the Crazy Boggers who are working to protect and restore it. Full of humor and gentle irony, this is an intimate, c …

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City Making in Paradise

City Making in Paradise

Nine Decisions that Saved Vancouver
by Michael Harcourt & Ken Cameron, with Sean Rossiter
0 ratings
tagged : city planning & urban development, urban & land use planning, cultural policy

This critical work explores those key choices that made Vancouver one of the world's most livable cities, an international urban poster child-and challenges policy makers and the public to reinvigorate the debate for the next generation of successful, sustainable city building

Time and again, the Vancouver region is recognized internationally as one …

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International Ecopolitical Theory

International Ecopolitical Theory

Critical Approaches
edited by Peter J. Stoett & Eric Laferrière
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : security (national & international), environmental policy, environmental conservation & protection

The global community’s ability to deal effectively with environmental problems is contingent on the successful integration of international relations theory with ecological thought. Yet, while most scholars and policymakers recognize the connection between these two interrelated branches of study, no substantial dialogue exists between them. This …

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Whales and Dolphins of the North American Pacific

Whales and Dolphins of the North American Pacific

Including Seals and Other Marine Mammals
by Graeme Cresswell; Dylan Walker & Todd Pusser
2 ratings
age: 13
Grade: 8
tagged : marine life, environmental conservation & protection, ecotourism

Whales and Dolphins of the North American Pacific is the most comprehensive photographic guide to the marine mammals of the North American Pacific (Baja California, Mexico to South East Alaska), covering all 38 species of cetacean (whales, dolphins and porpoises), six species of seals and sea lions, and the sea otter.

Whales and Dolphins of the Nort …

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Pekin Robins and Small Softbills

Pekin Robins and Small Softbills

Management and Breeding
by Peter Karsten
0 ratings
tagged : ornithology, environmental conservation & protection, regional

The book serves as an instruction manual for the novice pekin robin breeder in particular, as well as providing a wealth of information for softbill breeders in general. Richly detailed with over 250 original illustrations by the author.The most comprehensive and current book on its topic, this handbook provides both novice and experienced avicultu …

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The Earth's Blanket

The Earth's Blanket

Traditional Teachings for Sustainable Living
by Nancy J. Turner
also available: Hardcover Paperback
2 ratings
tagged : native american studies, environmental conservation & protection

Renowned ethnobotanist Nancy Turner distills in this volume her decades of experience working with First Nations in the Pacific Northwest. The Earth's Blanket explores the wealth of ecological knowledge and the deep personal connection to the land and its history that is encoded in indigenous stories and lifeways, and what they may be able to teach …

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Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status

Birds of Ontario: Habitat Requirements, Limiting Factors, and Status

Volume 1–Nonpasserines: Loons through Cranes
by Al Sandilands
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, ornithology, birdwatching guides

The vast literature on the history of birds is continually growing, but rarely has this information been compiled so that it is readily available in one reference work. Birds of Ontario is such a work, providing a comprehensive summary of the life history requirements of bird species in the province.


In the first volume, information on habitat, lim …

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by Tim Carlson
0 ratings
tagged : canadian

A phenomenal critical success when first produced by Western Theatre Conspiracy in 2004, Omniscience is much more than a murder-mystery set in a quasi-familiar contemporary landscape of high-tech urban warfare. The plot, not surprisingly optioned already for a movie, is redolent with untrustworthy “embedded” journalists manufacturing positivist …

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Beyond Mothering Earth

Beyond Mothering Earth

Ecological Citizenship and the Politics of Care
by Sherilyn Macgregor
also available: Hardcover eBook
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection

In Beyond Mothering Earth, Sherilyn MacGregor argues that celebrations of “earthcare” as women’s unique contribution to the search for sustainability often neglect to consider the importance of politics and citizenship in women’s lives. Drawing on interviews with women who juggle private caring with civic engagement in quality-of-life conce …

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States of Nature

States of Nature

Conserving Canada's Wildlife in the Twentieth Century
by Tina Loo
also available: eBook Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : wildlife, environmental conservation & protection, social history, post-confederation (1867-)

States of Nature is one of the first books to trace the development of Canadian wildlife conservation from its social, political, and historical roots. While noting the influence of celebrity conservationists such as Jack Miner and Grey Owl, Tina Loo emphasizes the impact of ordinary people on the evolution of wildlife management in Canada. She als …

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Eau Canada

Eau Canada

The Future of Canada's Water
edited by Karen Bakker
also available: eBook Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : natural resources, ecology, hydrology, environmental conservation & protection

As the sustainability of our natural resources is increasingly questioned, Canadians remain stubbornly convinced of the unassailability of our water. Mounting evidence suggests, however, that Canadian water is under threat. Eau Canada assembles the country’s top water experts to discuss our most pressing water issues. Perspectives from a broad ra …

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