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Talking with Bears

Talking with Bears

Conversations with Charlie Russell
by G.A. Bradshaw
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : bears, wildlife, environmental conservation & protection

A highly literary and reflective portrait of Charlie Russell’s beautiful and unparalleled relationship with some of our planet’s most majestic giants.

Charlie Russell is a legend, not only in his home territory of Alberta but in all of Canada and around the world. An author of several books, including Walking with Giants: The Grizzlies of Siberi …

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Orcas of the Salish Sea

Orcas of the Salish Sea

by Mark Leiren-Young
also available: Audiobook
0 ratings
age: 6 to 8
Grade: 1 to 3
Reading age: 6 to 8
tagged : marine life, endangered, environmental conservation & protection

Meet Onyx and the orcas of J pod, the world’s most famous whales.

Illustrated with stunning photos, this picture book introduces young readers to the orcas humans first fell in love with. The members of J pod live in the Salish Sea, off the coast of Washington and British Columbia. Moby Doll was the first orca ever displayed in captivity, Granny w …

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Orcas of the Salish Sea Read-Along

Orcas of the Salish Sea Read-Along

by Mark Leiren-Young, read by Kelly Nakatsuka
0 ratings
age: 6 to 8
Grade: 1 to 3
Reading age: 6 to 8
tagged : marine life, endangered, environmental conservation & protection

Meet Onyx and the orcas of J pod, the world’s most famous whales.

Illustrated with stunning photos, this picture book introduces young readers to the orcas humans first fell in love with. The members of J pod live in the Salish Sea, off the coast of Washington and British Columbia. Moby Doll was the first orca ever displayed in captivity, Granny w …

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One Earth

One Earth

People of Color Protecting Our Planet
by Anuradha Rao
0 ratings
age: 12 to 18
Grade: 8 to 12
Reading age: 12 to 18
tagged : social activists, cultural heritage, environmental conservation & protection

★ “The activists’ stories are extraordinary...It’s a powerful answer to Rao’s framing questions: ‘Who is an environmental defender? What does she or he look like? Maybe like you. Maybe like me.’”—Publishers Weekly, starred review

★ “Thought-provoking reading for young people figuring out their own contributions. This valuable c …

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Sea Otters

Sea Otters

A Survival Story
by Isabelle Groc, foreword by Judi Dench & David F. Mills
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : endangered, environmental conservation & protection, environmental science & ecosystems

Sea otters once ruled the Pacific Ocean, but the fur trade of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries brought this predator to near extinction.

Today they’re slowly coming back from the brink, and scientists are learning more about their pivotal role as one of nature’s keystone species. This book looks at the history, biology, behavior and unce …

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Chemical World

Chemical World

Science in Our Daily Lives
by Rowena Rae
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, chemistry, environmental science & ecosystems

Despite people using both natural and synthetic chemicals with (mainly) good intentions, some chemicals have had unintended negative consequences.

Chemical residues have contaminated ecosystems the world over and are compromising the health of many ecosystems, animals and humans. The goal of Chemical World: Science in our Daily Lives is to introduce …

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The Shoe Boy

The Shoe Boy

A Trapline Memoir
by Duncan McCue
also available: Audiobook
0 ratings
tagged : native americans, native american studies, personal memoirs

At the age of seventeen, an Anishinabe boy who was raised in the south joined a James Bay Cree family in a one-room hunting cabin in the isolated wilderness of northern Quebec. He learned a way of life on the land that few are familiar with. Reflecting on those five months and his search for his own personal identity, that boy – Duncan McCue – …

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Whale in the Door

Whale in the Door

A Community Unites to Protect BC'S Howe Sound
by Pauline Le Bel
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : native americans, environmentalists & naturalists, oceans & seas

An exhilarating mix of natural history and personal exploration Whale in the Door is a passionate account of a woman’s transformative experience of her adopted home.

For thousands of years, Howe Sound, an inlet in the Salish Sea provided abundant food, shelter, and stories, for the Squamish Nation. After a century of contamination from pulp mills, …

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The Kissing Fence

The Kissing Fence

by B.A. Thomas-Peter
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : cultural heritage, literary, historical

1950s, New Denver: Pavel and Nina are among 200 Russian Doukhobor children separated from their families and community, and placed in a residential facility in the Kootenay region of BC. Forcibly removed from their homes by the RCMP, the children attend mandatory school. They must speak in English and observe Canadian customs and religious practice …

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On Our Nature Walk Read-Along

On Our Nature Walk Read-Along

Our First Talk About Our Impact on the Environment
by Jillian Roberts, illustrated by Jane Heinrichs, read by Kirstie Hudson, foreword by Bob McDonald
0 ratings
age: 6 to 8
Grade: 1 to 3
Reading age: 6 to 8
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, recycling & green living

Key Selling Points

  • This book discusses the environment through an organic conversation starting with a common observation and continuing with follow-up questions that would naturally come from a young child. Sidebars define larger concepts for further discussion with older or more curious children.
  • Contains a foreword by Bob McDonald of CBC’s …
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On Our Nature Walk

On Our Nature Walk

Our First Talk About Our Impact on the Environment
by Jillian Roberts, illustrated by Jane Heinrichs, foreword by Bob McDonald
also available: Audiobook Paperback
0 ratings
age: 6 to 8
Grade: 1 to 3
Reading age: 6 to 8
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, recycling & green living

A gentle introduction to the important topic of the environment.

Crafted around a conversation between a grade-school-aged child and an adult, this inquiry-focused book using age-appropriate language and tone will help children shape their understanding of the natural world and how they participate in protecting it. Dr. Roberts starts the discussion …

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Lost Lagoon / Lost in Thought

Lost Lagoon / Lost in Thought

by Betsy Warland
0 ratings
tagged : places, canadian, nature

After moving to Vancouver's West End in 2014, The Human is drawn to a small body of water called Lost Lagoon in Stanley Park. Daytime visits, with a surprising array of wildlife, are quietly revelatory; but so is suddenly waking in the night when owl hoots, or geese startle in alarm at otter on the prowl. The Human savours this up-close relationshi …

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Caring for Eeyou Istchee

Caring for Eeyou Istchee

Protected Area Creation on Wemindji Cree Territory
edited by Monica E. Mulrennan; Colin H. Scott & Katherine Scott
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : environmental science, geography, indigenous studies

How do Indigenous communities in Canada balance the development needs of a growing population with cultural commitments and responsibilities as stewards of their lands and waters? Caring for Eeyou Istchee recounts the extraordinary experience of the James Bay Cree community of Wemindji, Quebec, who partnered with a multi-disciplinary research team …

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Moon Madness

Moon Madness

Dr. Louise Aall, Sixty Years of Healing in Africa
by Alan Twigg
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : women, medical, east

The biography of Dr. Louise Aall who studied medicine in Germany and Switzerland before choosing to work as an itinerant bush doctor, setting up a clinic in Mahenge in Tanganyika (now Tanzania).

She was the first western physician to identify and treat a variant of epilepsy, now recognized by the World Health Organization as "Nodding Syndrome." Whi …

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Crossing Law’s Border

Crossing Law’s Border

Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Program
by Shauna Labman
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : emigration & immigration, international, refugees

Resettlement – the selection and transfer of refugees from the state where they seek asylum to another state – is considered a tool of refugee protection. In this nuanced account of Canada’s resettlement program from the Indochinese crisis of the 1970s to the Syrian crisis of the 2010s, Shauna Labman examines the role that law plays in resett …

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Privacy in Peril

Privacy in Peril

Hunter v Southam and the Drift from Reasonable Search Protections
by Richard Jochelson & David Ireland
0 ratings
tagged : privacy, constitutional

In 1984, the Supreme Court of Canada, in Hunter v Southam, declared warrantless searches unreasonable under section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Police would henceforth require authorization based on “reasonable and probable grounds.” The decision promised to protect individuals from state power, but as Richard Jochelson and David I …

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Rising Tides

Rising Tides

Reflections for Climate Changing Times
edited by Cate Sandilands
0 ratings
tagged : canadian, nature, environmental conservation & protection

Ice melt; sea level rise; catastrophic weather; flooding; drought; fire; infestation; species extinction and adaptation; water shortage and contamination; intensified social inequity, migration and cultural collapse. These are but some of the changes that are not only predicted for climate changing futures, but already part of our lives in Canada. …

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Ours to Share

Ours to Share

Coexisting in a Crowded World
by Kari Jones
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : endangered, environmental conservation & protection

There are almost eight billion people alive today.

Having that many people in the world puts pressure on both social and natural resources, and we have to ask ourselves difficult questions like, What is our fair share? And how do we share more equitably? Ours to Share starts by giving an overview of human population growth, from the time when there …

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The Anthropocene Disruption

The Anthropocene Disruption

by Robert William Sandford
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, global warming & climate change

An important and timely book that addresses the new reality of the Anthropocene and what we should be doing about it.

In what is now being heralded as the Second Copernican Revolution, Earth scientists have discovered that our self-regulating planetary life support system is a single, dynamic integrated system, and not a collection of ecosystems as …

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No White Picket Fence

No White Picket Fence

A Verbatim Play about Young Women’s Resilience through Foster Care
by Robin C. Whittaker & Sue Mckenzie-Mohr
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : canadian, child abuse, women authors

A powerful verbatim play about young women’s resilience through foster care, drawn from in-depth interviews. No White Picket Fence stems from a research project conducted by social work professor Sue McKenzie-Mohr with ten individuals who, as girls, grew up in the foster-care system and now identify in their own ways as living well. The play’s …

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Gone is Gone

Gone is Gone

Wildlife Under Threat
by Isabelle Groc, foreword by Jane Goodall
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : endangered, environmental science & ecosystems, environmental conservation & protection

Why do species become endangered? How are scientists learning about endangered wildlife? What are people doing to conserve species and how can young people help?

This book is richly illustrated with unique photos that Isabelle has taken over many years of observing endangered species in the field alongside the people who work to conserve them. Thro …

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Orcas Everywhere

Orcas Everywhere

The Mystery and History of Killer Whales
by Mark Leiren-Young
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : marine life, environmental conservation & protection, endangered

Orcas are found in every ocean on the planet, but can they survive their relationship with humans?

Orcas Everywhere looks at how humans around the world (Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike) related to orcas in the past, how we relate to them now and what we can do to keep cetacean communities alive and thriving. The book deals with science, philoso …

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The Taste of Rain

The Taste of Rain

by Monique Polak
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : values & virtues, physical & emotional abuse, asia

It is 1945, and thirteen-year-old Gwen has been a prisoner at the Weihsien Internment Camp in northern China for nearly two and a half years.

Gwen is one of 140 children who were enrolled at a boarding school in Chefoo when the Japanese Imperial Army invaded China. Life in the camp is difficult. There is not enough food or water, and even the child …

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Levelling the Lake

Levelling the Lake

Transboundary Resource Management in the Lake of the Woods Watershed
by Jamie Benidickson
0 ratings
tagged : environmental conservation & protection, north america

Levelling the Lake explores a century and a half of social, economic, and legal arrangements through which the resources and environment of the Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake watershed have been both harnessed and harmed. Jamie Benidickson traces the environmental consequences of resource extraction and recreation as well as their impacts on loca …

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Major Misconduct

Major Misconduct

The Human Cost of Fighting in Hockey
by Jeremy Allingham, foreword by Daniel Carcillo
0 ratings
tagged : hockey, sociology of sports, violence in society

Every night in hockey arenas across Canada and the United States, modern-day gladiators drop their gloves and exchange bare-fisted blows to the bloodthirsty roars of the paying public. Tens of millions of people a year, including children, watch and cheer on the fighters. Some players are paid handsomely; others barely a living wage. But either way …

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Resisting Rights

Resisting Rights

Canada and the International Bill of Rights, 1947–76
by Jennifer Tunnicliffe
0 ratings
tagged : human rights, international, post-confederation (1867-)

From 1948 to 1966, the United Nations worked to create a common legal standard for human rights protection around the globe. Resisting Rights traces the Canadian government’s changing policy toward this endeavour, from initial opposition to a more supportive approach. Jennifer Tunnicliffe takes both international and domestic developments into ac …

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The Bootleggers Lady

The Bootleggers Lady

Tribulations of a Pioneer Woman
by Edward Sager & Mike Frye
0 ratings
tagged : women, criminals & outlaws

This is the story, not simply of one woman's brave struggle in the wilderness, but of the pioneer spirit that opened up that wilderness for future generations. Edith Julia Bronson married an outlaw at the beginning of this century. This courageous pioneer woman bore her lawless husband, Fred Frye, nine children, drove a freight wagon 2,000 miles fr …

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A Field Guide to Marine Life of the Protected Waters of the Salish Sea

A Field Guide to Marine Life of the Protected Waters of the Salish Sea

by Rick M. Harbo
0 ratings
tagged : marine life, marine biology, oceans & seas

Rick Harbo, one of the Pacific Northwest’s leading marine writers and photographers, is back with a new addition to Harbour Publishing’s popular series of pocket-sized field guides. A Field Guide to Marine Life of the Protected Waters of the Salish Sea includes the most commonly observed species in the tide pools and protected waters of the Sal …

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Stories from the Magic Canoe of Wa’xaid

Stories from the Magic Canoe of Wa’xaid

by Cecil Paul
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : native americans, environmentalists & naturalists, native american studies

A remarkable and profound collection of reflections by one of North America’s most important Indigenous leaders.

My name is Wa’xaid, given to me by my people. ‘Wa’ is ‘the river’, ‘Xaid’ is ‘good’ – good river. Sometimes the river is not good. I am a Xenaksiala, I am from the Killer Whale Clan. I would like to walk with you in …

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Inside an Honor Killing

Inside an Honor Killing

A Father and a Daughter Tell Their Story
by Lene Wold
also available: Audiobook
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies, human rights, islamic studies

A shockingly intimate look at the world of honor killings, as seen through the eyes of both the perpetrators and the victims.

What drives a person to murder their sister, mother, or daughter? What is life like in a society in which women are imprisoned for their own “protection,” while their potential killers walk free?

In this powerful and affec …

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Enforcing Exclusion

Enforcing Exclusion

Precarious Migrants and the Law in Canada
by Sarah Grayce Marsden
also available: Hardcover eBook
0 ratings
tagged : emigration & immigration, immigration

In Canada’s liberal dream, the law extends its benefits to everyone. But the law also determines who is included in that “everyone.” Migrant workers, long welcomed in Canada for their labour, are often excluded from both workplace protections and basic social benefits such as health care, income assistance, and education due to their lack of …

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Great Bear Rainforest

Great Bear Rainforest

A Giant-Screen Adventure in the Land of the Spirit Bear
by Ian McAllister & Alex Van Tol
0 ratings
age: 9 to 12
Grade: 4 to 7
Reading age: 9 to 12
tagged : film, environmental conservation & protection

In the northwest corner of British Columbia, between the Alaska–BC border and the northern tip of Vancouver Island, lies a land of forest green and sparkling blue.

From massive whales to tiny herring, spirit bears to sea wolves, an incredibly diverse array of wildlife calls this land home. Part of the largest coastal temperate rainforest in the wo …

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