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Tales of Ghosts

Tales of Ghosts

First Nations Art in British Columbia, 1922-61
by Ronald W. Hawker
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : native american, museum studies

The years between 1922 and 1961, often referred to as the “Dark Ages of Northwest Coast art,” have largely been ignored by art historians, and dismissed as a period of artistic decline. Tales of Ghosts compellingly reclaims this era, arguing that it was instead a critical period during which the art played an important role in public discourses …

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Tlingit: Their Art and Culture

Tlingit: Their Art and Culture

by David Hancock
0 ratings
tagged : native american studies, native american

A new look at the Tlingit. The author weaves personal observations in with historical and cultural references to give a lively account of these artistic native peoples. When you visit southeast Alaska you encounter the Tlingit Indians and their very rich lands, diversified culture and wondrous art forms. You can visit from cruise ships, from the Al …

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New Perspectives on the Public-Private Divide

New Perspectives on the Public-Private Divide

by Law Commission of Canada
also available: Paperback eBook
0 ratings
tagged : public, administrative law & regulatory practice

This rich collection of essays explores how the public-private divide influences, challenges, and interacts with law and law reform. Through various case studies, the contributors reflect on this complex dichotomy's role in structuring the socio-legal environment for the personal, social, economic, and governance relationships of citizens. They dem …

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Taking Stands

Taking Stands

Gender and the Sustainability of Rural Communities
by Maureen G. Reed
also available: Paperback eBook
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies, environmental conservation & protection, agribusiness

This book goes beyond the dichotomies of “pro” and “anti” environmentalism to tell the stories of the women who seek to maintain resource use in rural places. The author links the experiences of women who seek to protect forestry as an industry, a livelihood, a community, and a culture to policy making by considering the effects of environm …

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Reclaiming Aboriginal Justice, Identity, and Community

by Craig Proulx
0 ratings
tagged : cultural, indigenous peoples, native american studies

In his analysis of justice issues facing urban Aboriginals, Proulx pays particular attention to the situation of Aboriginal peoples in Canada, and how the current justice system has failed them. He looks at alternatives to the current system, examining in detail the Community Council Project (CCP), an Aboriginal-run diversion program in Toronto. Th …

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Training the Excluded for Work

Training the Excluded for Work

Access and Equity for Women, Immigrants, First Nations, Youth, and People with Low Income
edited by Marjorie Griffin Cohen
also available: eBook Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies, economic conditions, adult & continuing education, human services, poverty & homelessness, gender studies

In recent years job training programs have suffered severe funding cuts and the focus of training programs has shifted to meet the directives of funders rather than the needs of the community. How do these changes to job training affect disadvantaged workers and the unemployed?

In an insightful and comprehensive discussion of job education in Canada …

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A War of Patrols

A War of Patrols

Canadian Army Operations in Korea
by William Johnston
also available: eBook Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : korean war, canada

The extended peace the world anticipated following the decisive Allied victory in the Second World War was abruptly shattered in June 1950 by the invasion of South Korea by communist North Korea. Responding to a United Nations’ call to assist the South Korean regime, Canada deployed an 8000-man brigade to the peninsula to fight as part of an Amer …

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Japan at the Millennium

Japan at the Millennium

Joining Past and Future
by David Edgington
also available: eBook Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : japan, regional studies, human geography

This critical, multi-disciplinary collection explores the convergence of past and future in contemporary Japan. Contributors comment on a wide range of economic, socio-cultural, and political trends – such as the mobilization of Japanese labour, the burgeoning Ainu identity movement, and the shifting place of the modern woman – and conclude tha …

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Out of the Darkness

Out of the Darkness

Teens Talk About Suicide
by Marion Crook
0 ratings
tagged : children's studies

The fearless monsters we think are our kind
The changes we take, the evil we love
The insane things we have all done
No one has won.

Teen suicide has long been considered one of society's darkest secrets; the idea of troubled young people driven to take their own lives was a tragedy too horrible to contemplate, let alone talk about openly. B …

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Who are Canada's Aboriginal Peoples?

Recognition, Definition, and Jurisdiction
foreword by Harry Daniels, edited by Paul Chartrand
0 ratings
tagged : native american studies, indigenous peoples

Amendments to the Canadian Constitution in 1982 recognize and affirm “the existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the aboriginal peoples of Canada”, specifically the Indian, Inuit and Métis peoples. A 1996 report from The Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples laid out a process to recognize and define Canada’s Aboriginal peoples according …

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The Beast Within

The Beast Within

Why Men Are Violent
by Neil Boyd
also available: Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : men's studies

Thoughtful, provocative and definitely controversial, The Beast Within is essential reading for anyone concerned about violence in our society. Clearly written, extensively researched and logically reasoned, this is a book that challenges as it informs.

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Intensive Care

Intensive Care

A Memoir
by Alan Twigg
0 ratings
tagged : death, grief, bereavement

From the notorious Alan Twigg, publisher and editor of BC BookWorld, Canada's largest-circulating publication about books

One night in April, after a Sunday soccer game, Alan Twigg couldn't remember the names of his two sons or his wife - and he couldn't hold a pen. An emergency CAT scan revealed a large brain tumour squeezed against his motor corte …

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The Indian Association of Alberta

The Indian Association of Alberta

A History of Political Action
by Laurie Meijer Drees
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : native american studies, political advocacy

The history of indigenous political action in Canada is long, hard-fought, and under-told. By the mid-1900s, Native peoples across western Canada were actively involved in their own political unions in a drive to be heard outside their own, often isolated, reserve communities. In Alberta, the Indian Association of Alberta (IAA) represented the inte …

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Sex and Borders

Sex and Borders

Gender, National Identity and Prostitution Policy in Thailand
by Leslie Ann Jeffrey
also available: Hardcover eBook
0 ratings
tagged : women's studies, social policy, globalization, human rights, gender studies

Prostitution in Thailand has been the subject of media sensationalism for decades. Bangkok’s brothels have become international icons of “third world” women’s exploitation in the global sex trade. Recently, however, sex workers have begun to demand not pity, but rights as workers in the global economy.


This book explores how Thai national i …

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Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada

Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada

by Stuart N. Soroka
also available: eBook
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tagged :

Why do public issues like the environment rise and fall in importance over time? To what extent can the trends in salience be explained by real-world factors? To what degree are they the product of interactions between media content, public opinion, and policymaking? This book surveys the development of eight issues in Canada over a decade -- AIDS, …

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Anatomy of a Conflict

Anatomy of a Conflict

Identity, Knowledge, and Emotion in Old-Growth Forests
by Terre Satterfield
also available: eBook
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tagged : cultural

Anatomy of a Conflict explores the cultural aspects of the fierce dispute between activist loggers and environmentalists over the fate of Oregon’s temperate rain forest. Centred on the practice of old-growth logging and the survival of the northern spotted owl, the conflict has lead to the burning down of ranger stations, the spiking of trees, lo …

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The Canadian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 39, 2001

edited by D.M. McRae
0 ratings
tagged : international, yearbooks & annuals, reference

The Canadian Yearbook of International Law is issued annually under the auspices of the Canadian Branch of the International Law Association (Canadian Society of International Law) and the Canadian Council on International Law.


The Yearbook contains articles of lasting significance in the field of international legal studies, a notes and comments s …

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Tlingit Art

Tlingit Art

Totem Poles & Art of the Alaskan Indians
by Maria Bolanz & Gloria Williams
also available: Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : native american studies, native american

The Tlingit Indians of the Northwest Coast carved interior house posts, portal entrances and free standing totem poles with crests of animals, sea creatures, birds, and legendary and human figures, successfully combining symbolism and realism. This book examines the social and artistic relevance of the Tlingit carvings and relates many of the fasci …

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Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb

Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb

A Chronicle of Sensibility to Animals
by Rod Preece
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : animal rights, popular culture

In our modern world, where human will routinely presides over the natural world, it is easy to imagine that sensibility to animals has been merely a matter of peripheral concern in human history. Rod Preece, in this impressively researched volume, demonstrates that, on the contrary, respect for animals has always been a part of human consciousness. …

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Making Native Space

Making Native Space

Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves in British Columbia
by Cole Harris
also available: eBook
2 ratings
tagged : native american studies, human geography, post-confederation (1867-), native american, pre-confederation (to 1867)

This elegantly written and insightful book provides a geographical history of the Indian reserve in British Columbia. Cole Harris analyzes the impact of reserves on Native lives and livelihoods and considers how, in light of this, the Native land question might begin to be resolved. The account begins in the early nineteenth-century British Empire …

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A Trading Nation

A Trading Nation

Canadian Trade Policy from Colonialism to Globalization
by Michael Hart
also available: eBook
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tagged :

Canada has always been a trading nation. From the early days of fur and fish, to the present, when a remarkable ninety percent of our gross national product is attributable to exports and imports, Canadians have relied on international trade to bolster our economy. A Trading Nation, Michael Hart's brilliantly crafted overview and analysis of the hi …

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Salish Elders

Salish Elders

by Wim Tewinkle
0 ratings
tagged : native americans, native american studies

With stunning photographs and the Elders' stories, author Wim Tewinkel records the lives lead by twenty-one elders of the Interior Salish people. They share with the author the highlights of their lives -- from being a bomber in World War II to being a great-grandmother and master bead worker. Tewinkel's photographic portraits capture both the dept …

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Regulating Lives

Regulating Lives

Historical Essays on the State, Society, the Individual, and the Law
edited by Robert Menzies & Dorothy E. Chunn
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : legal history

This book examines Canadian experiences of social control, moral regulation, and governmentality during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Informed by the wealth of theoretical and historical writings that have recently emerged on these subjects, the contributors explore diverse state, social, legal, and human encounters with the re …

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Modern Women Modernizing Men

Modern Women Modernizing Men

The Changing Missions of Three Professional Women in Asia and Africa, 1902-69
by Ruth Compton Brouwer
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : women's issues, missions, women's studies

During the interwar era, the world of mainstream Protestant missions was in transition. The once-dominant paradigm of separate spheres – “women’s work for women” – had lost its saliency, and professional women often entered work worlds largely peopled by men. Medical missionaries Belle Choné Oliver and Florence Murray and literature spec …

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Women and the White Man's God

Women and the White Man's God

Gender and Race in the Canadian Mission Field
by Myra Rutherdale
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : post-confederation (1867-), gender studies, women's studies, missions

Between 1860 and 1940, Anglican missionaries were very active in northern British Columbia, Yukon, and the Northwest Territories. To date, histories of this mission work have largely focused on men, while the activities of women – either as missionary wives or as missionaries in their own right – have been seen as peripheral at best, if not com …

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Restoration of the Great Lakes

Restoration of the Great Lakes

Promises, Practices, and Performances
by Mark Sproule-Jones
also available: eBook Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : water supply, lakes, ponds & swamps, environmental conservation & protection

The Great Lakes of North America are one of the world’s most important natural resources. The source of vast quantities of fish, shipping lanes, hydroelectric energy, and usable water, they are also increasingly the site of severe environmental degradation and resource contamination. This study analyzes how well governments and other stakeholders …

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Taxing Choices

Taxing Choices

The Intersection of Class, Gender, Parenthood, and the Law
by Rebecca Johnson
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : legal history, taxation, gender studies, gender & the law

In the early 1990s, lawyer Beth Symes brought an equality challenge against the Canadian Income Tax Act, arguing that her childcare costs were a business expense. The case ignited public controversy. Was Symes disadvantaged on the basis of gender, or unfairly privileged on the basis of class? This book seeks answers to those questions through close …

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The Co-Workplace

The Co-Workplace

Teleworking in the Neighbourhood
by Laura C. Johnson
also available: eBook Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : city planning & urban development, women's studies, human geography

Almost half of all jobs in North America and Europe could today be performed away from a traditional office. Millions of office workers are already working from home, and while some appreciate the flexibility of home-based telework, others find that they are bound to their employers by an "electronic leash." This book explores the "co-workplace" …

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Being a Tourist

Being a Tourist

Finding Meaning in Pleasure Travel
by Julia Harrison
also available: eBook Paperback
0 ratings
tagged : cultural

What is meaningful about the experience of travelling abroad? What feeds the impulse to explore new horizons? In Being a Tourist, Harrison analyzes her conversations with a large group of upper-middle-class travellers. Why, she asks, do these people invest their resources -- financial, emotional, psychological, and physical -- in this activity? Har …

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Systematics of Lasiopogon

Systematics of Lasiopogon

(Diptera: Asilidae)
by Robert A. Cannings
0 ratings
tagged : entomology, anatomy & physiology

The genus Lasiopogon is a widespread group of robber flies (Diptera: Asilidae) inhabiting the north temperate parts of the Earth. This study is the first to examine the genus as a complete entity and clearly define intrageneric relationships. It is also the first to pay special attention to the male and female genitalia, important structures in the …

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A Social Documentary
by Clarkes Lincoln & Hodgson Barbara
0 ratings
tagged : portraits

Winner of the City of Vancouver Book Award

The Heroines Series is an epic photographic documentary of the addicted women of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. In 1997, fashion and portrait photographer Lincoln Clarkes turned his lens away from the world of glamour and began documenting the dire circumstances being endured by the marginalized women livin …

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Let Me Kiss It Better

Let Me Kiss It Better

Elixirs for the Not So Straight and Narrow
by Billeh Nickerson
0 ratings
tagged : gay studies

Billeh Nickerson tells it like it is: a wry and at times outrageous chronicler of contemporary gay life, written for those who can take it like a man, or at least read about it without squirming. In these charming and very funny essays, Billeh writes with disarming sweetness about love, sex, relationships, and subjects that might even make the wom …

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Preserving What Is Valued

Preserving What Is Valued

Museums, Conservation, and First Nations
by Miriam Clavir
also available: eBook Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : native american studies, museum studies, native american, research, study & teaching

Preserving What Is Valued explores the concept of preserving heritage. It presents the conservation profession's code of ethics and discusses four significant contexts embedded in museum conservation practice: science, professionalization, museum practice, and the relationship between museums and First Nations peoples.


Museum practice regarding han …

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Introducing the Dragonflies of British Columbia and the Yukon

Introducing the Dragonflies of British Columbia and the Yukon

by Robert A. Cannings
0 ratings
tagged : insects & spiders, entomology

Birding and butterfly watching have been popular outdoor activities for decades. Now, dragonfly watching is catching on as a fascinating and enjoyable pursuit. Dragonflies are large, colourful insects with amazing and easily observed behaviour. Noted entomologist Dr. Robert Cannings introduces students, naturalists and outdoor enthusiasts to the wo …

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Creating Community

Creating Community

edited by Renate Eigenbrod & Jo-Anne Episkenew
0 ratings
tagged : native american studies

Creating Community is a special book about imagination and challenge. We know that writers try to tell us things. We know that what they tell is culturally-based. But what exactly are Aboriginal authors trying to tell us?Fifteen authors and scholars discuss Aboriginal literature in it's unique Canadian context

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Street Protests and Fantasy Parks

Street Protests and Fantasy Parks

Globalization, Culture, and the State
edited by David R. Cameron & Janice Gross Stein
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : globalization, history & theory

The speed and intensity of global integration in the last two decades have provoked serious debate about the human impact of globalization and deep concern about the capacity of the state to provide social justice. Street Protests and Fantasy Parks focuses on two dimensions of globalization: the cultural and social realities of global connection an …

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Planning Canadian Regions

Planning Canadian Regions

by Gerald Hodge & Ira M. Robinson
also available: eBook Hardcover
0 ratings
tagged : city planning & urban development, urban & regional, economic development

Planning Canadian Regions is the first book to consolidate the history, evolution, current practice, and future prospects for regional planning in Canada. As planners grapple with challenges wrought by globalization, the evolution of massive new city-regions, and the pressures for sustainable and community economic development, a deeper understandi …

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No Place to Learn

No Place to Learn

Why Universities Aren't Working
by Thomas C Pocklington & Allan Tupper
also available: eBook
0 ratings
tagged : higher, organizations & institutions

The Red Cross is studied and criticized. The Royal Family is studied and criticized. Churches and hospitals are studied and criticized. Canadian universities are seldom studied and criticized and are worse off for this neglect. This book seeks to repair this damage by casting a critical eye on how Canadian universities work – or fail to work.

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