BC Books for BC Schools
Created by ABPBC on October 17, 2017
The Family Secret
“This is an essential purchase for school libraries…Rated E for Excellent.”—Resource Links
In the fourth installment of the Grim Hill series, Cat, Clive, Jasper, and the rest of the crew are back, and everyone is buzzing about Darkmont High’s student exchange to Sweden. For Cat, it means hanging out with her friends in a foreign country, travelling without parents, and not having to keep an eye on her clingy kid sister. Even though Sookie’s magical meddling seems to be in check, Cat …

The Forgotten Secret
“The Grim Hill series gets another satisfying go-round with this fantasy/mystery romp…Another appealing mix of realism, whimsy, and legend.”—Booklist
The third installment of the Grim Hill series unfolds during the season of romance, when an easterly fairy wind blows through town. For months, Cat Peters has been wishing to live the normal life of a thirteen-year-old, and finally things seem to be going her way. She has once again helped her town escape the evil clutches of Fairy, and now …

The Secret Deepens
Shortlisted for Ontario Silver Birch Award 2010
Selected, Canadian Children's Book Centre's "Best Books for Kids & Teens" (Starred selection, 2009)
Since Halloween, things are getting back to normal for Cat Peters. Now the big drama in her life isn’t a battle against diabolical fairies, but a battle of the sexes on the soccer field. Meanwhile, ever since Cat’s little sister, Sookie, was imprisoned on Grim Hill, she has only been interested in one thing: magic. When the aspiring conjurer take …

Forest of Secrets
When Cat and her friends are taken hostage and find themselves stranded in Headless Valley, it's clear they will need a miracle to get back home. Although they find an abandoned cabin for shelter, their supply of food and water is running out fast, their kidnappers are not on their heels, and a sinister threat lurks in the loft of the cabin. Cat has to make an impossible choice: risk the group's chance of survival, or risk her sister, who may be able to summon help using her magical skills. But …

Carnival of Secrets
In this thrilling conclusion to the Grim Hill series, Cat has lost everything she holds dear. Sookie has gone over to dark magic and is a diabolical threat. A sinister carnival has crept into town and has everyone under its thrall. Only Cat's fairy friend Lea thinks there might be a sliver of hope that all the harm can be undone. But even she quakes at the danger. Still, Cat is determined to do whatever it takes, except this time even the gang isn't prepared for the most harrowing adventure of a …

In Fine Form
In the decade since the publication of the first edition of In Fine Form, there has been a resurgence of Canadian poets writing in "form" - in sonnets and ghazals, triolets and ballads, villanelles and palindromes - and formal poetry has become more visible in books, literary journals and classrooms. The first edition of this anthology was called "groundbreaking," "a paradigm shift" and "a landmark text." Since then, it has gone through several printings and been widely used in classrooms at all …

An Intimate Wilderness
Arctic researcher, author, and photographer Norman Hallendy’s journey to the far north began in 1958, when many Inuit, who traditionally lived on the land, were moving to permanent settlements created by the Canadian government. In this unique memoir, Hallendy writes of his adventures, experiences with strange Arctic phenomena, encounters with wildlife, and deep friendships with Inuit elders. Very few have worked so closely with the Inuit to document their traditions, and, in this book, Hallen …

Just Cool It!
A resounding post–Paris Agreement wake-up call about the urgency of the climate crisis that offers a range of practical solutions—and above all, hope.
Climate change is the most important crisis humanity has faced, but we still confront huge barriers to resolving it. So, what do we do, and is there hope for humanity? The problem itself is complex, and there’s no single solution. But by understanding the barriers to resolving global warming and by employing a wide range of solutions—fro …