
life is strange
challenging fr sure oftn sew full uv pain n oftn as
well filld with beautiful moments pleysyurs that
transform us 2 nu undrstandings n we can go 4 an
othr round get anothr kik at th can get our second
wind n sumthings cum up in th nu mist fog morning
is it us walking 2ward ourselvs dropping in saying
hello in th midst uv our sleep routeen howard was
wundring abt all ths dew we split from our bodee
selvs as in astral travl part uv us goez out 4 a whil
out uv erths lattitude evn n th othr part stays at
home minding th store ar we oftn diskonnekting
with ourselvs have sum adventurs whil th othr
parts ar growing dewing things lerning nu skills
cumming back 2 us ovr th hill horizon sew happee
2 b cumming home agen 2 th familyar
brian was musing on all thees apertures n storeez
approaches 2 th strangeness uv being whil he was
working at th galleree wher he did filing phoning
hanging selling n talking with evreewun who wud
cum in if they wer wanting 2 talk a gud day was
xcellent peopul n xcellent conversaysyuns leeding
sub textualee 2 a possibul sale that wud get referrd
2 that wud give hope or an xcellent n reel sale that
wud afford reel hope n part uv th maintanens sum
dayze it was difikult 2 conjure up all that othr dayze
it was fine latelee no sales no hints no jestyurs