Stories In Verse
Shoulders, chest, knees and toes—
the rest of Richard slid up his nose.
Richard was in
his half-picked snout,
which was completely inside out.
He looked like a booger,
a big gloopy blob,
an ooey, gluey, goobery glob.
Shoulders, chest, knees and toes—
the rest of Richard slid up his nose.
Richard was in
his half-picked snout,
which was completely inside out.
He looked like a booger,
a big gloopy blob,
an ooey, gluey, goobery glob.
Shoulders, chest, knees and toes—
the rest of Richard slid up his nose.
Richard was in
his half-picked snout,
which was completely inside out.
He looked like a booger,
a big gloopy blob,
an ooey, gluey, goobery glob.
Slimy, stinky, stuffed with dread—
these poems will scare kids out of bed.
And hey, kids! You’ll fi nd poems for you
to wake up sleepy grown-ups too!
Elves, gross goo—oops!—stuff that breaks—
you'll fi nd it all in SHAKE-AWAKES!