Peer Pressure

Showing 17-24 of 30 books
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Les Casse-Cous

Les Casse-Cous

(Daredevil Club)
by Pam Withers
tagged : peer pressure, extreme sports, friendship
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La peur d'être pris ajoute bien sûr à l'excitation. Si la rumeur de nos « sept coups » s'est répandue, la police de notre petite ville s'attend sans doute à ce que nous nous attaquions à la vieille tour sur la colline.

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Nine Doors

Nine Doors

by Vicki Grant
also available: Paperback
tagged : peer pressure, values & virtues, humorous stories
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Despite what my math teacher might think, I'm not stupid.
I'm not mean either. At least I try not to be.
So that's not how I got into this mess.
I got into it because I was bored.
I know that's a dumb excuse, but I bet I'm not the first person to use it. My guess is boredom's the reason lots of people get into trouble. It can drive you nuts. It can make you do stuff you'd never do in a million years.
For me, that meant hanging out with Richard.
That sounds cruel, but what can I say? If you knew the guy, you'd probably feel the same way.

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Orca Currents GoReader Vol 4

Orca Currents GoReader Vol 4

(Daredevil Club, Wired)
edited by Orca Book Publishers
tagged : winter sports, peer pressure, extreme sports
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The Blue Vase

The Blue Vase

by Katarina Jovanovic, illustrated by Josée Bisaillon
tagged : bullying, peer pressure, parents
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The Cul-de-Sac Kids

The Cul-de-Sac Kids

by Alison Acheson, illustrated by Elisa Gutiérrez
tagged : friendship, intermediate, peer pressure
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The Frail Days

The Frail Days

by Gabrielle Prendergast
also available: eBook
tagged : music, peer pressure, hi-lo
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