
Showing 153-160 of 388 books
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Kelly's Cabin

Kelly's Cabin

by Linda Smith, illustrated by Zorica Krasulja
also available: Paperback
tagged : friendship, imagination & play, dogs
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Winnie barked. Kelly let her go. The dog scampered out from under the blanket. Kelly pushed it away in time to see Winnie run out the door.
Good. She was going to attack the outlaw. Kelly jumped to her feet. She'd help her. Together, they'd send the robber flying. She ran after Winnie.
At first, she thought Winnie didn't need her help. The red-haired outlaw lay flat on his back in a patch of clover. Winnie stood on his stomach.
"Yay, Winnie!" Kelly shouted.
Then she saw that Winnie's tail was wagging. She was licking the outlaw's face. The outlaw was laughing.

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Kingdom of No Worries, The

Kingdom of No Worries, The

by Philip Roy
tagged : friendship
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by Chris McMahen
tagged : friendship, school & education, humorous stories
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I hadn't had so much fun since the last time I got locked out of the house in my underwear.

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L'effet manga

L'effet manga

(Manga Touch)
by Jacqueline Pearce
tagged : asia, self-esteem & self-reliance, friendship
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J'aperçois Melissa du coin de l'œil et lui lance un regard furieux. Si elle se rappelled l'époque où nous étions amies, elle sait combien je déteste que les gens regardent mes dessins privés.

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La course-poursuite des Loups gris

La course-poursuite des Loups gris

(Timberwolf Chase)
by Sigmund Brouwer, translated by Gaston Gingras, illustrated by Dean Griffiths
tagged : hockey, friendship, bullying
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