
Showing 41-48 of 54 books
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The Airplane Ride

The Airplane Ride

by Howard White, illustrated by Greta Guzek
tagged : aviation
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The Big Snapper

The Big Snapper

by Katherine Holubitsky
tagged : multigenerational, camping & outdoor activities
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Eddie is adjusting to his own hat when he gets a hit. A bit of a tug and a moment of slack, and then the fish strikes again. In a matter of seconds the line is taut. Eddie allows a little more line to peel off. He doesn't pull too hard, or too fast—in fact, the fish quickly uses up the extra line he gives it, and it's all he can do to hold on to it. "Granddad, you'd better wake up."

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The Ferryboat Ride

The Ferryboat Ride

by Robert Perry, illustrated by Greta Guzek
tagged : boats, ships & underwater craft, marine life
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The Golden Pine Cone

The Golden Pine Cone

illustrated by Greta Guzek, by Catherine Anthony Clark
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Timmy and the Whales

Timmy and the Whales

by Jeremy Moray, illustrated by Dee Gale
tagged : marine life
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Timmy Ties Up

Timmy Ties Up

by Jeremy Moray, illustrated by Dee Gale
tagged : marine life
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To begin with, Timmy missed the excitement and adventure of towing barges and meeting other tugs, but he soon began to make new friends. Captain Jones took him out into the Georgia Strait once a week, to keep his engine in good shape and so he could watch all the tugs and ships going by. Occasionally a tug would be coming through Porlier Pass and the skipper would stop for a chat. One time Timmy was very excited to find that it was Frank, in command of his new tug, with Derek as his mate.

Captain Jones passed the time carving model ships from pieces of driftwood that he found on the beach, he sold them in the island shops...In the evenings, Timmy and his old friends spent many happy hours recalling the adventures they had over the years.

"Shiver me timbers," Captain Jones would say, with a twinkle in his eye, "you've been a working tug for close to seventy years, Timmy. You've really done us proud!"

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