
Showing 129-136 of 418 books
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Fred and Pete at the Beach

Fred and Pete at the Beach

by Cynthia Nugent
also available: Hardcover
tagged : dogs, friendship, humorous stories
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"This is terrible!" said Fred. "We're lost, everyone's yelling at us and I'm hungry. We'll never get to the beach. I want to go home."

"Don't fret, Fred. We'll find the beach. I just know it's nearby." Pete sniffed the air. "Hey! I can smell it! It IS close!"
"Well, it can't be that close. I can't smell anything," said Fred. He sat down on the sidewalk. "This is impossible."
"Nothing is impossible, Fred!"

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Ghost Wolf

Ghost Wolf

by Karleen Bradford, illustrated by Deborah Drew-Brook & Allan Cormack
tagged : wolves & coyotes, self-esteem & self-reliance, camping & outdoor activities
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For the first time in his life, Matt knew terror. He had heard of being frozen with fear. Well, now he was. He could not move. He tried hard to see into the darkness. He tried to hear if the wolf was coming nearer. But he could see nothing. All he could hear was the sound of raindrops landing all around him. Then, right in front of him, a white form took shape.

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Ghost's Journey

Ghost's Journey

A Refugee Story
by Robin Stevenson, illustrated by Rainer Oktovianus
tagged : cats, emigration & immigration, lgbt
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When friends came over,
Ghost played with everyone.

But when strangers came to the door,
Rainer and Eka turned off the lights and pretended no one was home.

Ghost wanted to help.
She fetched them toys to play with.

She snuggled close and licked their tears.
"People don't like us, Ghost," Rainer whispered, "just because Eka and I love each other."

Over and over they had to move.
Ghost did not like moving.

She hid behind the curtains,
and on top of book shelves where she felt safe

She hid beneath the bed, inside a paper bag.
Over and over, Rainer said, "Sorry Ghost. It isn't safe for us here."

Ghost knew that they couldn't keel hiding.
If her dads were in danger, she would be a guard cat.
Ghost listened for footsteps in the hallway.

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Good Night, Noah

Good Night, Noah

by Eric Walters, illustrated by Eugenie Fernandes
tagged : bedtime & dreams, sounds, imagination & play
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Hamsters Holding Hands

Hamsters Holding Hands

by Kass Reich
tagged : mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc., counting & numbers, humorous stories
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One hamster wants to play
Two hamsters shout hurray
Three hamsters with a pear
Four hamsters in the air

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Hamsters Holding Hands Read-Along

Hamsters Holding Hands Read-Along

by Kass Reich, read by Christian Down
tagged : mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc., counting & numbers, humorous stories
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One hamster wants to play
Two hamsters shout hurray
Three hamsters with a pear
Four hamsters in the air

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