Action & Adventure
"The second riddle!" said Jeremy. Jeremy was good at riddles. But Mr. Magnus looked worried. "This is a tough one," he moaned. He opened the scroll and read out loud: "I have twenty legs but just one wing. The sea is my kingdom and Jason my king. Who am I?" Jeremy frowned. "Twenty wing...," he mumbled. He screwed up his face. He thought as hard as he could. "It's no use," sighed Mr. Magnus.
Jeremy blinked. He was sitting beside a swamp. Green slime covered the murky water. Cold clammy fog tickled his face.
Jeremy had just traveled back in time three thousand years. He didn't look any different. He was still wearing his jeans and runners. He didn't feel any different. Except that he was stiff and cold.
He looked around for Aristotle. The cat was sitting on a mossy log, washing his fur.
"The Underworld sure is foggy," said Jeremy.
Aristotle stopped licking. "We aren't in the Underworld yet." He flicked his tail. "You better check the map."