Children's Fiction

Daisy dumped the quilt on her bed and flopped on top. Life was so unfair. Her best friend, Amanda, had a huge bedroom with a closet bigger than Daisy's entire room. Daisy's parents had the biggest room in the house. She was trying to figure out how to convince them to trade rooms, when her mother appeared in the doorway. Her face was hidden behind an enormous box.
"This is a special box," Mom said.
"What's so special about it?" Daisy asked.
Mom opened the box with a flourish. "This box will make your room bigger."

Daisy dumped the quilt on her bed and flopped on top. Life was so unfair. Her best friend, Amanda, had a huge bedroom with a closet bigger than Daisy's entire room. Daisy's parents had the biggest room in the house. She was trying to figure out how to convince them to trade rooms, when her mother appeared in the doorway. Her face was hidden behind an enormous box.
"This is a special box," Mom said.
"What's so special about it?" Daisy asked.
Mom opened the box with a flourish. "This box will make your room bigger."

"Look down there. We can swim, play in the sand, climb trees, roll in the grass. It's perfect," Wally said.
"It's a golf course," Nobu told him.
"Let's go," Wally said.
"We can't just go," Nobu said. "It's a golf course."
"So?" said Robyn. "Look at that cool, cool water."
"And those shady green tree," Justin added.
"What more could we want?" Wally asked.
"Gold clubs?" Nobu suggested. "A tee time?"