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Showing 33-40 of 15178 books
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109 Walks in British Columbia's Lower Mainland 6th ed.

109 Walks in British Columbia's Lower Mainland 6th ed.

by Mary Macaree & David Macaree
tagged : hikes & walks, western provinces
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109 Walks in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland

109 Walks in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland

by John Halliday & Alice Purdey
tagged : walking, hiking, western provinces
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12 Basic Skills of Fly Fishing

12 Basic Skills of Fly Fishing

by Ted Peck & Ed Rychkun
tagged : fishing, fish
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121 Express

121 Express

by Monique Polak
tagged : bullying, school & education, prejudice & racism
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"Cut it out!" the driver shouted. He might have said it again, but I couldn't tell for sure over all the noise.

In a weird way, I was having fun. When some of the kids around me started laughing, I laughed too. I reached for the ball of paper that had landed on the floor and threw it as hard as I could toward the back of the bus.

"Hey, new guy!" a voice called. "You pitch like a girl!"

I bristled. It was my own fault; I'd called attention to myself.

I knew whatever I did next was important. This was what my mom would call a defining moment. She says life is all about defining moments, only most people miss them. They're too busy doing other stuff.

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13 Lives

13 Lives

Stories of Others
by Michael Pawlowski
tagged : native american & aboriginal
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