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Showing 14929-14936 of 15178 books
How to Write Them and Get Better Results
by Hans Tammemagi
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by Kate Colley, illustrated by Dale Nigel Goble
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I suppose I could be less invisible if I were one of the guys who joked around in the locker room. Or if I broke curfew. Or if I complained. It's just easier to not be noticed. That way people don't expect things from you. There's no pressure, nothing to fear.
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I suppose I could be less invisible if I were one of the guys who joked around in the locker room. Or if I broke curfew. Or if I complained. It's just easier to not be noticed. That way people don't expect things from you. There's no pressure, nothing to fear.
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Travel and Survival in Ice and Snow
by Monty Alford
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