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Showing 14441-14448 of 15185 books
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Waiting for the Whales

Waiting for the Whales

by Sheryl McFarlane, illustrated by Ron Lightburn
also available: Hardcover Paperback
tagged : marine life, environment, multigenerational
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Waiting for the Whales Read-Along

Waiting for the Whales Read-Along

by Sheryl McFarlane, illustrated by Ron Lightburn, read by Priscilla Holbrook
tagged : marine life, environment, multigenerational
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Waiting to Dive

Waiting to Dive

by Karen Rivers
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I wait for the dive to come. And it does. I don't know how or where it had been...hiding out in one of the pink and white cavities on my body somewhere, I guess. But there it was. I pulled my arms back and over and my feet lifted off and I cut the water cleanly like a knife through butter. At least that's how I felt...Right then, at that exact second, I totally knew that I wanted to do it again. And again and again and again.

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Wake-Up Call

Wake-Up Call

Tales from a Frontier Doctor
by Sterling Haynes
tagged : personal memoirs
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by Alyxandra Harvey-Fitzhenry
also available: eBook
tagged : death & dying, self-esteem & self-reliance, magical realism
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The stars are far away and the moon is touching someone else tonight. The only sound is the wind and dry leaves crunching under my feet. I wish I was alone, but I'm not. She's here, in her black dress with its long beaded train, watching me, following me. The Shadow Lady.
And I'm lost.

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