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Showing 12961-12968 of 15180 books
The Politics and Procurement of Leopard Tanks for Canada’s NATO Brigade
by Frank Maas
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The Politics and Procurement of Leopard Tanks for Canada’s NATO Brigade
by Frank Maas
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by Ellen Schwartz, illustrated by Mariko Ando
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by Ellen Schwartz, illustrated by Mariko Ando
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by National Gallery of Canada, contributions by Rosemarie Tovell & Anne Maheux
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Ever since I was a kid, being even a little bit hungry has given me bad dreams. The past couple of nights I've dreamed that a police car was taking me away in handcuffs. Both times I've woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. This is so upsetting that I have to calm myself down by closing my eyes and visualizing the inner workings of various locks. This is a talent I learned during my advance training at the Walter Gurski School of Lock Picking. I find it very soothing during times of stress.
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Ever since I was a kid, being even a little bit hungry has given me bad dreams. The past couple of nights I've dreamed that a police car was taking me away in handcuffs. Both times I've woken up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. This is so upsetting that I have to calm myself down by closing my eyes and visualizing the inner workings of various locks. This is a talent I learned during my advance training at the Walter Gurski School of Lock Picking. I find it very soothing during times of stress.
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