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Showing 12713-12720 of 15178 books
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The Middle Ground

The Middle Ground

by Zoe Whittall
also available: Paperback Paperback Audiobook
tagged : suspense, contemporary women, small town & rural
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The Middle of Everywhere

The Middle of Everywhere

by Monique Polak
tagged : coming of age, aboriginal & indigenous, emotions & feelings
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Tarksalik is about forty feet ahead of me, running by the side of the road. I can tell she's got sled-dog blood in her from the way she runs: head high, legs taut.
The sun has just come up, and when it lands on Tarksalik, it looks like she's shining too. For the first time since I found out I'd be spending this term in Nunavik, in northern Quebec, getting reacquainted with my dad, I don't feel one hundred percent miserable. Right now, as I let the fresh cold air fill my lungs, I'd say I'm down to about eighty-five percent miserable.
Maybe, I think as I watch Tarksalik run, this visit won't turn out to be a total disaster. Maybe there's more to life than Montreal.

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The Middle Power Project

The Middle Power Project

Canada and the Founding of the United Nations
by Adam Chapnick
tagged : 20th century, international, diplomacy
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The Mighty Hughes

The Mighty Hughes

From Prairie Lawyer to Western Canada’s Moral Compass
by Craig McInnes
tagged : lawyers & judges, canadian, political
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