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Showing 12641-12648 of 15178 books
An Unsolved Mystery of the Old West
by Ron Stewart
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An Unsolved Mystery of the Old West
by Ron Stewart
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The third scroll was dropped onto her binder as she rushed between classes at mid-morning break. The halls were crowded, she’s hadn’t seen anyone of note beside her – the scroll hadn’t been there, then suddenly it was… To her left, she spotted an open maintenance closet, full of cleaning solutions and wet mops. Stepping in, she closed the door and fumbled for the light switch. Frantically she tore at the ribbon and the wax seal, not caring if the paper ripped…
As her eyes reluctantly returned to the black message scrawled across the page, the light bulb’s electric after-image danced across her retinas, confusing her vision, but the third scroll’s contents had already been seared deep into her memory.
Congratulations! You are this year's lottery winner.
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The third scroll was dropped onto her binder as she rushed between classes at mid-morning break. The halls were crowded, she hadn't seen anyone of note beside her—the scroll hadn't been there, then suddenly it was...To her left, she spotted an open maintenance closet, full of cleaning solutions and wet mops. Stepping in, she closed the door and fumbled for the light switch. Frantically she tore at the ribbon and the wax seal, not caring if the paper ripped...
As her eyes reluctantly returned to the black message scrawled across the page, the light bulb's electric after-image danced across her retinas, confusing her vision, but the third scroll's contents had already been seared deep into her memory.
Congratulations! You are this year's lottery winner.
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The third scroll was dropped onto her binder as she rushed between classes at mid-morning break. The halls were crowded, she hadn't seen anyone of note beside her—the scroll hadn't been there, then suddenly it was...To her left, she spotted an open maintenance closet, full of cleaning solutions and wet mops. Stepping in, she closed the door and fumbled for the light switch. Frantically she tore at the ribbon and the wax seal, not caring if the paper ripped...
As her eyes reluctantly returned to the black message scrawled across the page, the light bulb's electric after-image danced across her retinas, confusing her vision, but the third scroll's contents had already been seared deep into her memory.
Congratulations! You are this year's lottery winner.
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Bonnie Prince Charlie in France 1744-1748
by Laurence L. Bongie
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Bonnie Prince Charlie in France 1744-1748
by Laurence L. Bongie
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